
Jevons Global is authorised to provide general advice to qualified wholesale investors.

Please note our General Advice Warning.


Our process focuses on thematic research. Fundamental industry research is combined with quantitative analysis to asses risk and return characteristics.

The results feed into a quantitative system for risk-control to manage exposure to the investment opportunity.


Jevons Global develops and tests specialised investment strategies delivered as model portfolios.

This service enables client firms to focus their strategic investment allocations to particular themes.


Our algorithmic trading capabilities include:

  • sourcing of custom datasets
  • application of new technology
  • expertise in quantitative trading.

Robo-tools equip client firms for superior performance.


Our outsourced product services enable your firm to:

  • accelerate product development
  • reduce risk and focus on distribution
  • access leading edge technology

Robo-advice solution enquiries are welcome.